babur, gunpowder, india, mughal, empire, historians, lodhi, wars, ibrahim

Babur Brought Gunpowder To India.

babur, gunpowder, india, mughal, empire, historians, lodhi, wars, ibrahim

Babur Introduced Gunpowder to India. After defeating Ibrahim Lodhi in the First Battle of Panipat in 1526, Babur established the Mughal empire. Historians believe he brought gunpowder to India and used it extensively during wars.

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Hinduism isn't the accurate name of the religion.

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The only active volcano in India, the Barren Island, is present in Andaman Islands

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Lord Hanuman is eternal.

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Interesting fact! Even during Ancient times, women had significantly greater authority.

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The Holy river Ganga has her bodyguard too!

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andaman, nicobar, malay, hanuman, india, handyman, nakkavaram, southindia, landofthenaked, tanjore,

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