princess, margaret, comission, naylor, cheiro, horoscope

A British royal is responsible for modern newspaper columns.

princess, margaret, comission, naylor, cheiro, horoscope

When Princess Margaret was born in 1930, The Sunday Express decided to commission an analysis of her birth chart. The job ended up in the hands of R.H. Naylor, assistant to in-demand astrologer Cheiro. His piece was so popular, that the newspaper commissioned a regular astrology column from him—the grandfather of every newspaper's daily horoscope section.

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Lowbush berries are mainly produced in Canada.

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An employer came under fire for refusing to hire certain signs.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant Is Not Cactus

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Glass is completely recyclable.

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Viking women held a unique position in society.

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One of the most powerful natural resources

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How Do You Capture Sound Waves?

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The European Country with the Lowest Obesity

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Did you Know? Today Nail Paints are made of some weird stuff!

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Christ the Redeemer is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

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The Netherlands is the world’s biggest flower exporter

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Starbucks has its own record label.


Swedes enjoy unusual marketing.

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Taiwan’s official title is the Republic of China (RoC)

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Did you Know? Clownfish may change their gender.

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Did you Know? There are famous coffee houses named after Centeral Perk of FRIENDS

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Only 2.3% of the Taiwanese population is native


Crocheting encourages more crocheting.


What Country Is the Origin of Butterscotch?


Low percentages of the population are poor.


Get Medical Assistance if You're Still Having Breathing Issues.


Around 1844, the first three-row bristle toothbrush was invented.

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Have you heard about Honeycomb Shades?