princess, margaret, comission, naylor, cheiro, horoscope

A British royal is responsible for modern newspaper columns.

princess, margaret, comission, naylor, cheiro, horoscope

When Princess Margaret was born in 1930, The Sunday Express decided to commission an analysis of her birth chart. The job ended up in the hands of R.H. Naylor, assistant to in-demand astrologer Cheiro. His piece was so popular, that the newspaper commissioned a regular astrology column from him—the grandfather of every newspaper's daily horoscope section.

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There aren't several Inuit terms for snow.

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BMW currently owns the Guinness World Record for the longest drift.


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Anaximander Of Miletus (c.610-c.546 BCE)


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Because it has several vital qualities, including aphrodisiac, antibacterial, antivenom, antifertility, anticonvulsant, and many more.

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Lotions are not all created equal.

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Spain is the home of the world’s second most widely-spoken language

M. Night Shyamalan

M. Night Shyamalan comes from a family of doctors.

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Feeling of dread toward Earth shudders.


Microfiber cleans at the molecular level using electrostatics.


Tulips were introduced to the world by Turkey.

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Knowledge Of Constellations Came From Early Cultures