Eulachon or "candlefish" are two names for it. This fish can be used as a candle due to its high-fat content.
The Swiss Wed Late
Sharks and Stingrays Have Close Relationships
Wyoming became the first state to allow women to vote.
Fill your heart, not your mind.
Quebec is a province that speaks French.
Humans are not attacked by sea lampreys
Fennel seeds can help prevent cancer.
Do you know about Agoraphobia
Did you Know? According to Legends, Macbeth had a curse on it.
Persian carpets' quality has not changed, but their purpose has.
Being buried alive accidentally occurred so often that people invented “safety coffins.”
It’s a legal requirement to smile at all times except at funerals or hospitals in Milan, Italy
Is spirituality a religion?
Vampires Share A History With Frankenstein.
The female with Longest legs
The prolonged use of OTC drugs can result in ulcers.
Budapest provides free public transportation to all EU citizens over the age of 65.
The number of fairyflies in the world is how many?
The first modern novel is Spanish
Donald Duck is more well-known than Mickey Mouse.
Ancient Inuits produced armour
The most Oscar nominations for a film
Did you Know? Snow Flakes come in all sizes
Most costly per person in India's income.
The three lies of Harvard