Spine, spinal cord

Back discomfort affects 8 out of 10 Americans at some time in their lives.

Spine, spinal cord

Did you know that around 8 out of every 10 Americans will suffer from back discomfort at some time in their lives? If you are experiencing back discomfort, it is suggested that you see a spine expert.

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The International Book Fair in Kolkata

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The first object of the Asteroid Belt was discovered on the first night of the 19th century

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With a lengthy history, Inuit art is incredible!

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Did you Know? Captain Morgan Actually Existed

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What Exactly Is A Sound Wave?

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The acid in your stomach is strong enough to burn your skin

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Science has shown that people are happiest in the summer.

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How do you know If your body clock is off?

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The first agricultural field plowed

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