bali, amazon, seas, corals, sealife, biodiversity

Bali is part of the 'Coral Triangle.'

bali, amazon, seas, corals, sealife, biodiversity

Bali is located in the 'Amazon of the Seas,' well dubbed for its remarkable marine biodiversity, right in the center of the world's richest waters for corals and sealife.

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A Touchy Topic Is Stingray Touch Tanks

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They are pink because of beta-carotene.


What Exactly Is A Resonance?

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Venus flytraps' favourite food is NOT flies.

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The Most Eastern Point

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Messi has yet to win a big international title.

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Happy as a clam is not a complete expression.

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The tallest flower is a sunflower

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Largest rubber band ball

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Yes, chia seeds were used to create chia pets


Allergens can also cause asthama.

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India’s longest bridge “Bhupen Hazarika Bridge”

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The 1979 NCAA tournament marked the beginning of the careers of basketball legends.

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The most haunted island in the world is Poveglia, Italy.

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Did you Know? Clothes can take up to 40 years to get decomposed.

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Like tattoos? Get one in braille!

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Did you Know? Scientists can turn peanut butter into diamonds.

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Did you Know? Metabolism May Be Affected by Vitamin D

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Did you Know? T-shirt got its name so because it resembled letter T.

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Scientists thought this dinosaur-era tree went extinct 150 million years ago — but then it was found growing wild in Australia.

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Earthquakes Can Be Sensed on the Other Side of the Globe