tulsi, tulsi leaf, extracts, immune, healthy

Cancer-fighting qualities

tulsi, tulsi leaf, extracts, immune, healthy

Tulsi's phytochemicals have potent antioxidant effects. As a result, they aid in the prevention of skin, liver, oral, and lung cancers.

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Did you Know? The Titanic's Owners Never Said the Ship Was "Unsinkable"

Minnesota, Alaska, Lake Iliamna, United States, marine animals

There are around 12,000 rivers in Alaska.


Consuming grapefruit may enhance the quality of your diet and increase your consumption of vitamin C


One of the most prevalent metal combinations is gold-copper.

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The three lies of Harvard

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Did you Know? Many feet bones don't harden until you're an adult.

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Did you Know? Who was the First Female Best Director

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Did you Know? Alien's androids are alphabetized.

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Did you Know? Umbrellas were once only used by women.

Vatican City

There is no prison in Vatican City

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Did you Know? In Greek Mythology, Historical Adultery is normal


What is the most fascinating aspect of psychology?

pencil, Hemingway, lead, writing, ink, black, typed

Writing with a pencil was one of Ernest Hemingway's writing tips.

Bronte, sisters, Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Pensionnat Héger, Brussels, Belgium, liter

Charlotte and Emily spent some time in Brussels studying.

afrikaans, african, dutch

Despite having a Dutch foundation, a number of other languages have had an impact on Afrikaans.

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Samuel L. Jackson had a curse etched on his lightsaber.

machu, picchu, machupicchu, pachacuti, inca, yupanqui, empire, roman

The Incas Didn’t Use Any Mortar In Its Construction

flounder, fish, hogchoker, freshwater, fish, flatfish

In Florida, what is a flatfish?


Foreigners make up 25% of switzerland's population

witches, The Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter, witchcraft,  magic

Witchcraft, contrary to popular belief, is not Satanism.

Niagara Falls

The Niagara Falls State Park is America's oldest.

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Ladakh is the glacier man's homeland.

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

The 17th century saw the invention of glass windows.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea might make living during your period simpler.

Pigeons, Mesopotamian, hypothesis, domesticated, Scientists

Newborn pigeons are uncommon.