color facts, color, facts about mind, facts of color, black and white, bw

Did you Know? People are more likely to forget things that are in black and white.

color facts, color, facts about mind, facts of color, black and white, bw

A black and white film or photograph is often more difficult to recall than a colour image. Color, according to scientists, has a stronger appeal to the senses and thus leaves a more lasting impression on the memory.

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Fast Reading Helps to Protect the Eyes

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Did you know? Belle is the only person in her town who wears Blue


Persians were also recognised as innovators in the fields of refrigeration, cooling, and ventilation.

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How is spirituality good for health ?


They have four official languages in their country.

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Did you Know? Thor's hammer can be made in a scientifically plausible manner.


Is monkeypox deadly?

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Noah Webster studied 26 languages in order to write his dictionary.

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Did you know.... We are all composed of stardust.

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Fun Fact! Obama's favourite superhero is Spider-Man.


Motivation is provided via vision boards.


Tulsi Reduces colds, coughs, and other respiratory problems

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Do you know about Social Phobia

Sri Lanka, biodiversity,  jewels, coast of India, country

It is known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean and the Teardrop of India.

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Did you Know? There are so many uses of cucumber!

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Starbucks has its own record label.

san Marino, Saint Marinus, Rimini, Italy

It is a prosperous but not expensive country.

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The Dussehra celebrations in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, are another well-known event in India

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Did you Know? UK spend about $1 million every day on cakes.

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Nevermind wasn't always going to be the title of the album.

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The Museum once had a ‘Cabinet of Obscene Objects’

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Did you Know? In Spain, there is a $15 million Christmas tree.

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Did you Know? The White House has a movie theatre.

chia seed

An excellent plant-based alternative to eggs is chia.

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Intelligence Has Nothing To Do With ADHD