coconut, india, indonesia, philippones

Coconuts may be found anywhere.

coconut, india, indonesia, philippones

Over 60 million tonnes of coconuts were produced worldwide in 2016. Indonesia, the Philippines, and India are the top coconut producers.

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Hypnosis is a legitimate medical treatment.

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A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food claims that the Portuguese were the first to use mango grafting.

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UNESCO's third largest heritage country is Spain.

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Who is a beagle's ideal human companion?

Snake Plants

Snake Plants Prefer Dry Environments


Bhutan is well-known for its brilliant, colourful celebrations.

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Did you Know? Ketchup Was Sold in the 1830s as Medicine

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Did you Know? Moldova's national animal is a big cow

san Marino, Saint Marinus, Rimini, Italy

It had the greatest mortality rate as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.

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Did you Know? Hinduism states that God has many forms.

yeti, india, russia, nepal, Professor Valentin Sapunov, Russian State Hydrometeorological University

Although unlikely, hybrid bears could explain the yeti legends.

Nepal,  independence,  South Asia, country, foreign power, democratic republic, Asian

Nepal's great snow deposits

Hindi alphabets

Even when written upside down or with a mirror image, none of the Hindi alphabets create an illusion.

uranus, collided, north, south, planet, universe, solar system, seasonal

Uranus has an unusual rotation and tilt.

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A Famous Pulp Fiction Scene Was Shot Backwards

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Have you heard the legends of Deer Woman?

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World War I saw pioneering advancement in modern medicine

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The root portion was utilized as a medication in the past to alleviate painful conditions


Asteroids come in a variety of varieties.

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

The highest bar and swimming pool in the world

 Sleep Positions

Certain Sleep Positions May Leave Lines

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

Sea lampreys have an impact on both the ecology and the economy.

Pigeons, Mesopotamian, hypothesis, domesticated, Scientists

Pigeons also save lives outside of the military.

witches, The Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter, witchcraft,  magic

Wicca is a new witchcraft-based religious movement

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Did you Know? The Professor Does Have a City Name