coconut, india, indonesia, philippones

Coconuts may be found anywhere.

coconut, india, indonesia, philippones

Over 60 million tonnes of coconuts were produced worldwide in 2016. Indonesia, the Philippines, and India are the top coconut producers.

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People used breadcrumbs to erase their mistakes before erasers were invented.


Fruit is preferable to juice.

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And some pirates did have hooks and wooden pegs.

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It gained popularity following Audrey Hepburn's memorable scene in Sabrina (1954).

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Most people with “gluten intolerance” don’t have celiac disease

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A busy little plant, the snake plant.


Malta has three official languages.

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Did you Know? The Axis Powers were developing a dirty bomb.

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In Japan, you may be asked for your blood type instead of your sign.

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R2-D2 used to speak English and was a jerk.

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Bubble wrap was first used as wallpaper.

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It’s home to the world's happiest animal!

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Goa celebrates two independence days

Gengis Khan

What contributed to Gengis Khan's demise?

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It is impolite to leave a soiled dish in Japan

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Snakes use their tongues to smell.

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How much melanin, or pigment, is present in the eye affects the color of the eye

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Fun Fact! Snow flakes are not always unique.

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Swiggy added a new component in 2019

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Charlotte and Emily spent some time in Brussels studying.


The bite of a centipede is poisonous