lyndon b johnson, joker, texas, ranch, amphicar, breaks, lake, water

Lyndon B. Johnson drove a water-surfing automobile.

lyndon b johnson, joker, texas, ranch, amphicar, breaks, lake, water

Lyndon B. Johnson, ever the joker, would surprise guests at his Texas ranch by driving them down the hill in his Amphicar, pretending the brakes had failed. When it struck the lake, their fear would dissipate as they learned the automobile was built to work in water.

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Did you Know? Over Five Billion Cars Have Been Destroyed In Call Of Duty Games

Afrikaans, african, dutch

Even though it's frequently associated with RSA, Afrikaans is also spoken elsewhere.


A relatively recent needlecraft is crocheting.

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Did you Know? Bananas glow blue under black lights

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Did you Know? Once Japan and China banned the kite flying!

Pariah dogs

Pariah dogs from India are very adaptive.

first rollercoaster, rollercoaster

Roller coasters were developed to divert Americans' attention away from sin.


Ashwagandha is an evergreen bush that bears red berries.


Quebec City was established in 1608.

chia seeds

Yes, chia seeds were used to create chia pets

taste buds

Everyone has a unique set of taste buds.

expensive coffee

Four of the top five most expensive coffee cities are Swiss.

braille, blind, shorthand, abbreviated, contracted version

Just because you’re blind doesn’t mean you don’t have to learn math.

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Did you Know? Many, including Lisa Kudrow thought Chandler was actually a Gay.

korean, language, English, hangul, verb, Chinese

Formality is indicated by special nouns and verb endings.

red lips, lipstick, makeup

Cleopatra's fashionable crimson lip was made of crushed beetles.

khajuraho, city, india, temples

Gods and Goddesses Images

custard apple

Custard apple detox

 air pollution

The cost of air pollution in the world is tremendous.


Myanmar still uses the imperial system

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Harvard is an empire in itself


Germany Loves Bread

tuk tuk

A tuk tuk can take you almost everywhere in Cambodia.

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The Gala was not always held at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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Milk will stay fresher if you add salt.