
Grapefruit Might Hasten Healing


Collagen, a protein required for wound healing, is made possible by vitamin C.

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Wisdom teeth can appear at any time.

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The Army of Terracotta It was built more than 2,200 years ago.

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Did you Know? Madagascar remains one of the world’s unhappiest places

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In India, Homi J Bhabha rose to prominence quickly.

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Benjamin Franklin predicted his rival's death.

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Did you Know? There are three jokers in DC


fireflies Snails are a favourite food of carnivorous larvae.

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The Galata Bridge was nearly entirely the work of Leonardo da Vinci.

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Did you Know? About 6 people were killed in the original Tom Raider.


The prolonged use of OTC drugs can result in ulcers.

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The Dutch own more bicycles than any other country in the world

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Lions can get their water from plants.

Vision Boards

Vision Boards Increase Self-Confidence

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Netflix’s Employees Can Take As Many Days Off As They Want.

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Queen Victoria spoke several languages

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Psychology is a vast subject.

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There's a Connection with These 3 Kinds of Food

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It is impolite to leave a soiled dish in Japan

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Amsterdam has over 1,200 bridges

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In Japan you can Shop in the first Kinokuniya location.

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"Sand is used to make glass. "


Carrots are orange because of the Netherlands

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Men often report greater financial confidence, particularly when making investment decisions.

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Pioneer was Published at Allahabad

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Flash is a buddy of Batman, yet he does not obey his 'rule.'