british museum, british museum london, sutton hoo british museum, hokusai british museum, british mu

The British Museum gate was once guarded by a cat named Mike

british museum, british museum london, sutton hoo british museum, hokusai british museum, british mu

No, not an elaborate April Fool. Many cats have lived at the Museum over the years. Perhaps the most famous was Mike, who guarded the main gate between 1909 and 1929. When he died, his obituary appeared in the Evening Standard and TIME magazine. The picture above shows Mike in action.


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Crocheting encourages more crocheting.


Indonesia is home to the world's largest flower.

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The asteroid belt has never contained a planet.

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It is one of the world's tiniest countries.




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Candy Corn was originally called Chicken Feed

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Few People Still Exist in the World Who Are Capable of Blowing Glass

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Being buried alive accidentally occurred so often that people invented “safety coffins.”

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In Nuwara Eliya, you'll be reminded of England.


Flamingos are toothless.

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Authors nearly never create the cover and frequently have no say in the matter.

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The Kind Of Animal That A Fairyfly Is.