cupcakes, cakes, cake facts. cupcake facts, cake fact, bleuberry vake, cheesecake, cake, muffin. muf

Did you Know? UK spend about $1 million every day on cakes.

cupcakes, cakes, cake facts. cupcake facts, cake fact, bleuberry vake, cheesecake, cake, muffin. muf

In the United Kingdom, nearly £368 million is spent on whole cakes each year, which includes birthday cakes! That's nearly £1 million worth of cake per day, which is a lot of cake (and even more candles). When you extrapolate this to the entire world, you'll discover that people eat between 50 and 100 million birthday cakes every single day, not just once a year.

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There Are Over 200 Different Stingray Species.

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Pancreatitis can result from scorpion stings.


Collagen promotes elastin production.

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Your nails' ability to grow can be impacted by stress.

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Sugary beets are a nutritious snack.

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Roses are one of the oldest flowers .

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"Sunglasses provide protection from crow's feet.

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Japan is experiencing a ninja shortage.


As we age, our asthma changes.

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Psycho Is the First U.S. Film to Feature a Toilet Flushing


Cleopatra Was Not Egyptian

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Jaivana is the world's largest mobile cannon.

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The light

The light is the world's most effective light source.

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Limiting Beliefs Are Inherited, According to Geneticists

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Their "Wings" Flap as They Move

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Starbucks has its own record label.

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Did you Know? Moldova's national dish is porridge

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Scratching aggravates eczema

Genghis Khan

Are Babur and Genghis Khan related?

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Exposure to the sun: