Sunflower, Guinness Book of World Records, flowers, Hans-Peter, Germany

Sunflower is an American Native

Sunflower, Guinness Book of World Records, flowers, Hans-Peter, Germany

Although sunflowers are commonplace, they are actually an American native. From North and South America, sunflowers, or Helianthus, come in close to 100 different varieties. Sunflowers were used by Native Americans for their seeds and oils long before Van Gogh and Gaugin painted them.

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Roses are edible flowers

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Did you Know? A full moon on the Halloween is very rare

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Best Friend for Pregnant Women

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Originally, Hong Kong was only Hong Kong Island.

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This man has the Stretchiest skin you could ever see!

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Foods and supplements:

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Did you Know? We have International Cake Day too.


A 6- to 8-inch-long skeleton was unearthed outside a Chilean ghost town.

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Tiger Eye Gemstone Brings Emotional Intelligence

The Evil Dead

The gory noises heard in The Evil Dead were made with walnuts and dead chickens.

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There Is Still Disagreement About Whether The Test Works.

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Did you Know? Wonder Woman is capable of wielding Thor's hammer.

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Flash is a buddy of Batman, yet he does not obey his 'rule.' 

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Quartz Crystal activation requires programming.

Temple Rediscovery

Temple Rediscovery


USB The Initial to Market USBs

European Country

The European Country with the Lowest Obesity

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When they crave blood or sex, lobsters notably urinate out of their faces.

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Lord Howe Island stick insect was thought extinct until 2001!


The prolonged use of OTC drugs can result in ulcers.


Using Grapefruit to Reduce "Bad" Cholesterol

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Queen Victoria spoke several languages

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In 1978, anti-lock brakes were developed particularly for the S-Class.

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Writing with a pencil was one of Ernest Hemingway's writing tips.

Persian rugs

Persian rugs on display Unchanging Patterns