lotion, Moisturizing, vitamin C, collagen,  wrinkles,  skin suppleness

Lotions are not all created equal.

lotion, Moisturizing, vitamin C, collagen,  wrinkles,  skin suppleness

Because we all have different skin types, there are different moisturizers that work for everyone. If you have sensitive skin, avoid using moisturizers that include scent. Avoid products with added oils and other compounds that are known to clog pores if you have oily skin.

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Northern India

On the first day of Navratri, it is customary in Northern India to sow barley seeds in earthen pots.


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Starbucks has a 10-minute rule they have to follow.

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Curtains are being dressed in accordance with  standards.

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Did you Know? Calvin Coolidge Owned a Pair of Lions

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The oldest horoscope we know of is from 410 B.C.

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Freshwater Flounder Live How Long?

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As an April Fool joke, BMW gave away a new car.

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Some of your flavor preferences are inherited.

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South Koreans are Asia's largest drinkers.


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