growing plant

The fastest growing plant on the planet

growing plant

Bamboo has the distinction for the fastest growing plant on the planet. Certain bamboo species can grow up to 91 cm every day, or over 4cm per hour!

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Insects are extensively consumed across Cambodia.


Age also causes reduced sebum production.

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Tiger Eye Gemstone provides Protection Against the Evil Eye

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Did you Know? The Louvre is the world’s biggest art museum

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Did you Know? BR Ambedkar was unhappy with the constitution


Bamboo survived the Hiroshima nuclear test.

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Rorschach Believed The Test Worked For Everyone Except Teenagers.


Ulcers spread to further areas of the human body.

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Between Retinol, Retinyl, Retinaldehyde, and everything else, there is a distinction.


Quebec City has about 30 flights of stairs!