growing plant

The fastest growing plant on the planet

growing plant

Bamboo has the distinction for the fastest growing plant on the planet. Certain bamboo species can grow up to 91 cm every day, or over 4cm per hour!

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Brushing your teeth on a regular basis is an essential part of your oral hygiene routine.


A poet created the Bulgarian flag.

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Did you Know! Moldova's capital was destroyed in 1940

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Following the use of a steroid inhaler, rinse your mouth.



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In Taiwan, white symbolises death and is worn at funerals


The International Book Fair in Kolkata

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Some trees emit chemicals that attract enemies of their enemies.

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Did you Know? There might be gold in Virginia.

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The growth rate of toenails is around half that of fingernails.

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The highest point

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Rorschach Believed The Test Worked For Everyone Except Teenagers.


The bite of a centipede is poisonous

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Insomnia is not cured by sleeping medicines.

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Gene Hackman Was Originally Going to Play Hannibal Lecter

Budapest, synagogue, Jewish temple, Europe

Budapest is home to Europe's largest synagogue.


Egypt Is Home To 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

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Fun Fact! Bed bugs are as old as dinosaurs

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A Panther is a Jaguar or a Leopard.

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Did you Know? Cupcakes, once called as '1234' or 'number cakes'.

conspiracy ideas

Tragic occurrences contribute to the development of conspiracy ideas.

Vatican City

There is no permanent citizenship in Vatican City.

San Marino, Saint Marinus, Rimini, Italy

Over the years, it has been exposed to several invasions.