fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

Jellyfish have been around for over 650 million years, outliving dinosaurs and sharks!

fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

These jelly-like, slimy animals are a sight to behold, pulsing through the ocean currents, and can be found in water both warm and cold, shallow and deep, and even along coastlines. The species comes in a variety of brilliant colours and is bioluminescent, which means it can generate its own light.

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The heaviest pumpkin ever weighted 2,702 lbs for Halloween.

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Did you Know? Japan imports over 80% of Jamaica's annual coffee production

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Instead of glowing white, some fireflies have blue illumination.

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More than a quarter of women seeking medical attention for menopausal symptoms had to see their doctor three or more times before receiving therapy or support.

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Prisoners who abhorred lobster used to be offered it.

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The base of the marine food chain is algae.

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A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food claims that the Portuguese were the first to use mango grafting.


An egg is kept warm by both the male and female flamingos until it hatches.

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Raindrops are shaped more like hamburger buns


Using Grapefruit to Reduce "Bad" Cholesterol

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A King Penguin Was Knighted In Norway.

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Teddies have even traveled to space


probiotics are nurtured in the appendix.

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Most Hong Kong apartment structures lack the fourth story!

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The spinal cord weighs around 35 grams.

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Forest covers more than half of Sweden.

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Did you Know? Reading Protects from Prison

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Eczema Is Not Usually Atopic Dermatitis

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

Confucianism is practised by the vast majority of Hong Kong residents.

Bhutan,  Vajrayana Buddhism, Buddhism, religion, Bhutanese, Buddhist

Bhutan only opened to tourism in the 1970s.

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Palm trees have been associated with humans since the dawn of time.

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Queen Victoria is the reason wedding dresses are white

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Did you Know? Machu Picchu Is Earthquake-Proof

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Teletubbyland's Rabbits Were Also Large.


There's No Remedy for Migraines