fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

Jellyfish have been around for over 650 million years, outliving dinosaurs and sharks!

fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

These jelly-like, slimy animals are a sight to behold, pulsing through the ocean currents, and can be found in water both warm and cold, shallow and deep, and even along coastlines. The species comes in a variety of brilliant colours and is bioluminescent, which means it can generate its own light.

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How does spirituality help us ?

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It Costs $40,000 for a Hollywood Walk of Fame Star


Providing porcelain to the imperial family required government approval in ancient China.

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There are barbeque and bacon-inspired fragrances out there

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And some pirates did have hooks and wooden pegs.

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Asterism Not Considered True Constellation

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On average, women do more labour, but they are allotted 55% of all work.

cashew seeds

Cashews include around 21% protein, 46% fat, and 25% carbs

spanish, Spain, united states, Colombia

The World's Largest Exporter of Beer

chia seed

Could help with weight loss


A relatively recent needlecraft is crocheting.



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Iguanas: How Fast Can They Run?

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Did you Know? Couples who are too similar to each other are not likely to last.


Which Animal Class Does a Fairyfly Belong In?

Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit can also be applied topically to the skin as a low-cost skincare trick.

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Did you Know? We have International Cake Day too.

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Did you Know? For EIC, Kolkata was the second most important city

Budapest, synagogue, Jewish temple, Europe

Budapest is home to Europe's largest synagogue.

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The preferred method of carrying things is on the head in Myanmar

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Did you Know? There is a difference in your age.

Coconut Bra

Coconut Bra "Hawaiian"

korean, language, English, hangul, verb, Chinese

In honour of the language, there is a national holiday.

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Withanolides are found in Ashwagandha.

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Did you Know? There are only four unscheduled park closures in the history of Disneyland