uranus, collided, north, south, planet, universe, solar system, seasonal

Uranus has an unusual rotation and tilt.

uranus, collided, north, south, planet, universe, solar system, seasonal

Because Uranus rotates on its side, something large may have collided with it in the past. Its magnetic north and south are likewise opposed to its polar north and south. Overall, this has some strange seasonal consequences. Consider a planet in which the south pole is aimed at the sun and the north pole is wrapped in darkness. That was the situation faced by Voyager 2 on its 1986 visit.

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The Temple Interiors

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Your social circle is proportional to the size of your brain.

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Dust mites do not bite people and are not parasites.


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cashew seeds

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They are poor at concealing your feelings!

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Did you Know? Nightwing Once, killed the Joker.

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Plath received electroshock therapy for her clinical depression.

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Vampires Share A History With Frankenstein.

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Tennis was invented on a Birmingham lawn.


Bulgaria is where the Cyrillic script first appeared.

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Nepal's great snow deposits

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The Most Profitable Film of All Time Is Paranormal Activity


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Did you Know? Over Five Billion Cars Have Been Destroyed In Call Of Duty Games