nails, nail

Male fingernails grow more quickly than female ones.

nails, nail

Male fingernails grow more quickly than female ones. 3.5 millimeters are normally added to men's fingernails per month.

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Roller coasters were developed to divert Americans' attention away from sin.

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A busy little plant, the snake plant.


There are spiders everywhere!


Scientists are still perplexed as to why people have diverse blood types in the first place.


The part of the eye that limits the amount of light that reaches the retina is called

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Extensions that clip on Better Curl Hold


Malta has three official languages.

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Making something with crochet can make idle time into useful time.

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Originally, Hong Kong was only Hong Kong Island.


Mexico's Heavy Dependence on Tourism

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Did you Know? There is a difference in your age.

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Iguanas: How Fast Can They Run?

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Did you Know? Japan imports over 80% of Jamaica's annual coffee production

Tamil Nadu

Only district bordering Karnataka and Tamil Nadu


A category of beetle known as fireflies has more than 2,000 different species

La Llorona

Have you heard the legends of La Llorona

hernias, abdominal walls

With one product, your skin would be happy from head to toe.

Spoiler Expert Netflix

A Spoiler Expert was once hired by Netflix.

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Did you Know? The lower levels of Black sea are nearly biologically dead.

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There are 3 million lakes in Alaska.

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Do you know about Social Phobia


There's No Remedy for Migraines

vision board, visualization, theory of relativity, manifestation

Vision Boards Make You Happy and Positive

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And some pirates did have hooks and wooden pegs.

Devil's Kettle

The Devil's Kettle is a huge hole that swallows half a river and no one knows where it leads.