Peas are excellent for lowering cholesterol. Additionally, it improves digestion and lowers cholesterol.
A Starbucks venti drink allegedly has the same amount of espresso as a grande.
221B Baker Street is a fictitious address.
The white color of milk is mostly fat
There is no permanent citizenship in Vatican City.
The cashew tree's fruit is an accessory fruit or fake fruit.
What Does Psychology Teach You?
Sushruta Samhita, the World's Oldest Medical and Surgical Encyclopedia
Some Believe That Aliens Built Machu Picchu
Did you Know? India is the Spice Capital of the world.
Did you Know? Spiders are considered good luck symbols in Ukraine during the Christmas season.
There's a reason for the round tables at Starbucks.
Santa Claus has NINE reindeer.
A conspiracy theorist was once punched in the face by Buzz Aldrin.
The female with Longest legs
Indonesia boasts the most 'young' people in the world.
Rare Are the Deadly Rattlesnake Bites
Pancreatitis can result from scorpion stings.
A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food claims that the Portuguese were the first to use mango grafting.
Lizards have the ability to change color at will.
Sylvia Plath won a Fulbright Scholarship.
On UK highways, there are about 12 million diesel vehicles.
Pariah dogs from India are very adaptive.
Did you Know? Brazil is the 8th largest economy in the world
First best female director
Did you Know? Tomb Raider game initially starred a male Indiana Jones rip-off.