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Do all PCOS patients need to be treated?

pcos, pcos symptoms, pcos meaning, pcos treatment, pcos diet, metformin for pcos, how to cure pcos p

Young PCOS patients with regular menstruation need no hormonal treatment. Irregular menstruation and patients anxious to conceive need to be treated accordingly.

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There are 3 million lakes in Alaska.

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Hypnosis has been around since the 18th century.

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A house cat can reach speeds of up to 30mph

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Some of the publications produced by Homi J Bhabha are still highly regarded today.

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Did you Know? Machu Picchu Is Earthquake-Proof

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The record for the longest cat ever is 48.5 inches

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Tesla envisioned his creations in three dimensions.

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Stingray babies arrive at the world fully formed.

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Almonds are a great source of energy.

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The marine lamprey is thought to have originated in the Atlantic rather than the Great Lakes.

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Did you Know? Brazil is Eclectic and Diverse


Microfiber cleans smooth surfaces of 99 percent of germs.

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Coke had a promotion in which they filled their cans with disgusting concoctions.

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Did you Know? There are so many uses of cucumber!

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For the Oxford English Dictionary, J.R.R. Tolkien researched the word etymologies.