
Santa has a valid pilot's licence.


Santa has a valid pilot's licence! Santa was officially granted a pilot's licence by the United States government in 1927!

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It is one of the world's tiniest countries.

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The One and Only Mirror Temple

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The root portion was utilized as a medication in the past to alleviate painful conditions

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Your risk of cataracts can be impacted by your diet and lifestyle.

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Arizona Has More Species Than Anywhere Else.


Quebec City has about 30 flights of stairs!

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Pirates had a sophisticated mail system and a retirement plan.

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Did you Know? Falling In Love Has Neurological Effects Similar To Those Of Cocaine

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Even the Tongue can get Fat.

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Cats Are Sacred.. did you know that?

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The Circus Maximum in Rome is still the largest sports stadium ever constructed.

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Asterism Not Considered True Constellation

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Did you Know? Nail Paint was developed from the car paint!

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Did you Know? For World War II, Coca-Cola created a special "White Coke."