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The richest cat in the world had? 7 million

cat, stubbs, mayor, alaska, talkeetna, legislative, elections, tourist

The richest cat in the world according to Guinness World Records is Blackie. When his millionaire owner passed away he refused to recognize his family in his will and instead gave his 7-million-pound fortune to Blackie! We can’t believe that interesting cat fact!

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A few conspiracy ideas have proven to be correct.

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean has Unique Chemical and Physical Properties

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Scream was inspired by real-life events that occurred in Gainesville, Florida, in the early 1990s.

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Did you Know? Santa once used to wear clothes in green, purple or blue.

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The role of Ross Geller in FRIENDS was actually written for David Schiwmmer

Bronte siblings

The Bront siblings collaborated to create fantastical worlds.


Hyraceum, a perfume ingredient derived from the faeces of a small rodent, is still used by niche perfume houses




Hypnosis is a legitimate medical treatment.

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Did you Know? Palm Trees Are Important Religious Symbol

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How can one get monkeypox?


It’s illegal to hold salmon under suspicious circumstances

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Medical journals back up the power of positive thinking.

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Scientists discovered the Solar System’s third zone because of Pluto

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Ice-cream cone was actually invented by mistake

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An engineer designed a plane with a detachable cabin to save passengers.

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Law gave us crime; science gave us forensics – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

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Joaquin Phoenix was almost cast as Doctor Strange.

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Did you Know? Coca-Cola comes in at least 16 distinct tastes.

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Asia’s oldest amphitheater “Ranghar, Sibsagar”

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Buddhists have no faith in God.

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Did you Know? On the eve of New Year, other cities drop Pickles, Drag Queens and Fleas.


Australia lost a prime minister in 1967.

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Ted, Marshall, and Lily were based on actual individuals.

Mimosa Pudica

Mimosa Pudica has excellent ornamental value