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The richest cat in the world had? 7 million

cat, stubbs, mayor, alaska, talkeetna, legislative, elections, tourist

The richest cat in the world according to Guinness World Records is Blackie. When his millionaire owner passed away he refused to recognize his family in his will and instead gave his 7-million-pound fortune to Blackie! We can’t believe that interesting cat fact!

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Hindi is widely used in administration, legislative, and lower courts in India.

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Viking women held a unique position in society.

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As the syllabus covers a wide range of courses, applicants may sit for multiple tests.

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"Netflix Made Special Socks That Pause Your TV Automatically When You Fall Asleep. "

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Lobsters consume one another.

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Increasing your exercise regimen or moving heavy furniture over the weekend could result in a hernia.

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Did you Know? Cleopatra Was Not Egyptian

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Dates should be consumed in odd numbers only.

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USB Drives & North Korea: Flash Drives For Freedom Campaign

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This man has the Stretchiest skin you could ever see!


The Quebec Winter Carnival Celebration, sometimes known as "Carnaval," is the world's largest winter festival.

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Both the beet and its greens are exceptionally good sources of manganese


Laos' main agricultural export is coffee.


When Your Iguana Licks You, What Does It Mean?


There is a head and a tail on the pancreas.

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Did you Know? In South Korea, there is a particular day for "singles."

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Thales Of Miletus (c.625-c.546 BCE)

Pancreatic cell

Pancreatic cell damage is the cause of diabetes.

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Did you Know? Using Forks Used to Be Seen as Sacrilegious


The Pupils in Rattlesnake Eyes Are Vertical.

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Did you Know? Greece has 18 UNESCO World Heritage Sites


Surgery on the pancreas is extremely challenging.