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The richest cat in the world had? 7 million

cat, stubbs, mayor, alaska, talkeetna, legislative, elections, tourist

The richest cat in the world according to Guinness World Records is Blackie. When his millionaire owner passed away he refused to recognize his family in his will and instead gave his 7-million-pound fortune to Blackie! We can’t believe that interesting cat fact!

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Only 2.3% of the Taiwanese population is native

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Vision boards serve as mental rehearsals.

Mexico City

Mexico City sinks by 10 inches every year!

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Custard apple is a powerful antioxidant

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The Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar is extremely valuable.

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Significance: Hydra In Greek Mythology


Flamingos have a 10,000–15,000-foot ceiling.

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One of the oldest canine breeds still in existence is the Indian pariah dog.

Lowbush berries

Lowbush berries are mainly produced in Canada.

Golf balls

Golf balls were once made from lobsters shells.

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There’s a good reason why braille is on the keypad buttons of drive-through ATMs.

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The most popular taste is pizza.

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Did you Know? Many, including Lisa Kudrow thought Chandler was actually a Gay.

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Do you know about the Notable Constellations?

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Being buried alive accidentally occurred so often that people invented “safety coffins.”

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New Medicines Incorporate Infusions and Backrub



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Did you Know? Deadpool was made to Satirize Deathstroke

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Antique China is in high demand.

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Did you Know? Madagascar once had a mad queen


Breastfeeding mothers benefit from a small amount of formula.

animal facts, weird animal facts, amazing animal facts, interesting animal facts, fun facts about an

Did you Know? Beavers have teeth made of metal.