passport,  Bible, traveling, documents, official, airport, identity

Since the 13th century, passports have been in use.

passport,  Bible, traveling, documents, official, airport, identity

Since the 13th century, passports have been in use. This concept was introduced by King Henry V to make it easier to prove his nationality and identity when traveling to foreign lands. However, they were not given the name 'passport' at the time.

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The Vatican

The Vatican is the Wine Capital.

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Netflix’s Original Name On Paper Was Kibble.


The waxy appearance of centipedes is deceptive.


Fruit is preferable to juice.

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Mysterious Scandal Point

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Did you know.... The thigh bone can withstand thousands of pounds of stress.

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Did you Know? Clothes can take up to 40 years to get decomposed.

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Feeling of dread toward Earth shudders.


Hindi was designated as the official language of India on September 14, 1949. Every year on September 14th, Hindi Day is observed.


Switzerland is rather small.

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean has Unique Chemical and Physical Properties

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