butterfly, chitin, protein,  insect exoskeleton, translucent

Some butterfly species migrate in order to avoid the cold.

butterfly, chitin, protein,  insect exoskeleton, translucent

Although cold weather might shorten a butterfly's already brief life by rendering it immobile, others see the reduction in temperature as a signal to move. Butterflies are cold-blooded and require a body temperature of about 85 degrees Fahrenheit to activate their flying muscles. When the weather begins to change, some species will simply migrate in search of sunlight. Some, such as the North American Monarch, travel 2,500 kilometers on average!

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ADHD Can Appear Differently At Different Times In Life

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Vision Boards Increase Your Creativity

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Make your own clip-in extensions clip-ins at home.

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There might be more Higgs bosons.


How much water is present in fog?

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A fantastic study snack is blueberries.


Only England's cricket team has played over 1000 test matches.

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Did you know that? Tourists in Arunachal Pradesh must get a permission.

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The Temple Interiors