Middle East, samosa origin, samosa facts, samosa fact

Did you Know? Samosa is not an Indian origin.

Middle East, samosa origin, samosa facts, samosa fact

Do you enjoy the satisfying crunch of samosas when you take your first bite? Yes, me as well. And, contrary to popular belief, samosa is not an Indian delicacy. It is a fried/baked pastry that originated in the Middle East.

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The Swedes were the first to develop nicotine replacement gum.

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Science has shown that people are happiest in the summer.

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Pigeons are natural navigators.


Eyebrows have a crucial function.

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White people

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Bihar was the first state to embrace Hindi.

taste buds

By altering brain cells, scientists can switch tastes on and off.

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Having thick skin Has a Use (Sometimes)