southkorea, drinking, alcohol, asia, soju, germany, koreans, unitedstates, Ireland, Canada. australi

South Koreans are Asia's largest drinkers.

southkorea, drinking, alcohol, asia, soju, germany, koreans, unitedstates, Ireland, Canada. australi

When South Koreans try anything new, they work hard at it. Football (soccer), hot food, and alcohol! Many people are startled to learn that Koreans are by far the top drinkers in Asia. South Korea has a significant drinking culture in comparison to its Asian neighbors. This may be entrenched in their culture and history, as most holidays are celebrated with alcohol. Koreans consume an average of 12.3L of alcohol per year, ranking #17 in the world, according to the World Health Organization! Koreans consume more alcohol per capita than Germany, the United States, Ireland, Canada, and Australia. The country is regarded as one of the world's leading consumers! Soju drinking is a significant contribution to this prestigious pri

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