Bronte, sisters, Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Pensionnat Héger, Brussels, Belgium, liter

The Brontes all passed away tragically young.

Bronte, sisters, Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Pensionnat Héger, Brussels, Belgium, liter

The official cause of death for Branwell Bront, who passed away in September 1848 at the age of 31, was "chronic bronchitis-marasmus," a type of tuberculosis (then called consumption). His dependence on laudanum, opium and alcohol undoubtedly worsened his condition.

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Not every Buddhist lives the life of a monk.

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A driver can survive the impact of 100 mph and come to a complete stop in 2 seconds.


Chamomile tea helps aid digestion.

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There is a language specific to crocheting.

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Did you Know? Libya’s City Of Cyrene Was Part Of The Ancient Greek Empire

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One of the world's most promising new tourist destinations

A Coconut

A Coconut has the ability to travel enormous distances.

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Tiger Eye Gemstone Promotes Self-Awareness


Is it possible to catch freshwater flatfish?