lobster, crabs, clams, mussels

The most bizarre, cruel method imaginable is used by the mantis shrimp to murder its prey.

lobster, crabs, clams, mussels

The mantis shrimp uses its two tentacles, which have the same velocity as a rifle gunshot, and dismember other shellfish by boiling the water around them to produce a shockwave that can kill animals. To put that into perspective, a human could have thrown a rock into space if they had used the same force in their arms! Additionally, the intensity of their shell is so great that it served as a model for true human body armour.

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One of Buddha's incisors is kept in a temple in Kandy.

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Book publishers adore sending books to reviewers!

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The temperature across the Universe is the same.

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One of the oldest canine breeds still in existence is the Indian pariah dog.


Modern arts exhibit a pattern that is visible.

yeti, india, russia, nepal, Professor Valentin Sapunov, Russian State Hydrometeorological University

Typically, yetis are thought to have dark hair.

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A shoreline that stretches for miles


They consume a lot of alcohol.

 low-income countries

In low-income countries, just fifty-five girls continue their education after high school for every hundred boys.


Some flavors are available for a short period only.

Golf balls

Golf balls were once made from lobsters shells.


Kimchi was once made without the chillies