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The oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago

cat, stubbs, mayor, alaska, talkeetna, legislative, elections, tourist

This interesting fact about cats is guaranteed to wow at your next dinner party. Did you know that originally it was thought that Egyptians domesticated the cat? But in 2004, French archaeologists discovered a 9,500-year-old cat grave in Cyprus. This makes this the oldest known pet cat and it predates Egyptian art about cats by over 4,000 years!

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A Key To Managing ADHD Is To Seek Out Places Where You Thrive


Breastfeeding mothers benefit from a small amount of formula.

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Shimla is the origin of numerous celebrities

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In 2018, Netflix Broke HBO’s 17-Year Emmys Streak.

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A 155-year-old mousetrap successfully caught a mouse in 2016.


In Turkey, a hunter-gatherer temple can be discovered.

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Queen Victoria survived eight assassination attempts

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Every Korean family and region has their own version of kimchi.

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Did you Know? Being in love is biochemically the same as having a severe obsessive compulsive disorder.


Is it environmentally friendly?


What qualities should I consider when choosing a product?

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There exists a hybrid game of chess and boxing that is known as Chess Boxing.

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The Average Tongue is about 3 inches long.

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean Has a Submerged Continent

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Just because you’re blind doesn’t mean you don’t have to learn math.

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Dying stars give way to astronomical black holes.


Soufflés are frequently perforated.

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The highest Spanish mountain is not in Spain.

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The most typical cause of ulcers is a bacterial infection.

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They used to go by another name.


The Euphausiacea order include crustaceans like the krill, which resemble shrimp.

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Fun Fact about Oscar Maths

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A Touchy Topic Is Stingray Touch Tanks

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Your real Zodiac sign may be different.


Probiotics treat constipation, colds, and cancer