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The Sistine Chapel of Prehistory is in Spain

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Near Santander lies the Altamira cave. In this cave, a lot of prehistoric drawings have been discovered of very varied shapes and meanings. The fun fact about Spain is that this cave is so impressive and of historical importance that people began to call it the Sistine Chapel of Prehistory.

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A King Penguin Was Knighted In Norway.

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Short stories can be created using dictionary sample sentences.

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Eating before going to bed causes nightmares.

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Tunisia's Sahara Desert

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In adults, chronic smoking can cause sleeplessness.

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Summer is by far the busiest time of year for movie theaters.

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lowest-priced Oscar winner

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There are over 1,000 windmills in the Netherlands

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Best Friend for Pregnant Women

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean Has Several Tectonic Plate Boundaries

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The Netherlands is so secure that it imports criminals to fill its prisons.

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Around 406 million people in the world speak Spanish.

venus flytrap

Venus flytraps select their prey with caution.

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Did you Know? The great pyramids were not build by slaves

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Mosquitoes spend the first ten days of their lives in water


Malta has been an independent country since 1964.

White people

White people make about 60% of Afrikaans speakers.

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Having an asthma action plan is the best way to avoid the hospital.

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Did you Know? Over 80% of Japan is mountainous


A poet created the Bulgarian flag.

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Japan is experiencing a ninja shortage.

Birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

The World's Largest Pre-Raphaelite Painting Collection

santa claus

Santa and Mrs. Claus are Canadian citizens.


The Russian term belukha, which means "white," is where the English name "beluga" is derived.