candle, candles, romans, wax


candle, candles, romans, wax

They were created by the Romans very early on using pig fat to celebrate the birth of the goddess Artemis on the sixth day of each lunar month.

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The Chateau Frontenac Hotel is the most photographed hotel in the world, according to Guinness World Records!


Chihuahuas have floppy ears from birth.

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The origin of all plants is algae.

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A house cat can reach speeds of up to 30mph

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For thousands of years, wisdom teeth have served no purpose.

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Only every two weeks do they eat.

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Animal Creatures Are Stingrays

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Did you Know? In Korea Hairstyles are based upon age and relationship status.

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In 1965, Hindi was designated as India's national language.

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Tünel is the world's second-oldest subway system.

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It is one of the world's tiniest countries.



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"Mount Sinai And The 10 Commandments "

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Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping

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Do all PCOS patients need to be treated?

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Earthern pots maintain the food's original flavour and nutritional value.

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The World's Biggest Soufflé was devoured in under ten minutes.

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Did you Know? The Largest Parrot of the World Can’t Fly.