perfumer, fresh, lillies, david holtz, scent, fragrance, soap, flowers, eugenol, baloney, musk, musk

There are barbeque and bacon-inspired fragrances out there

perfumer, fresh, lillies, david holtz, scent, fragrance, soap, flowers, eugenol, baloney, musk, musk

Meat-inspired perfumes are more common than you might guess. While definitely not gourmands, these scents are still weirdly food-like. Que Cologne from Pork Barrel BBQ is described by the brand as a mix of smoke, meat, spices, and "sweet summer sweat", and there is a perfume called Bacon Classic that smells exactly like fried and salty pig mixed with cedar, orange, and pepper.
Wild, right?

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Chia is cultivated between the latitudes of 23 degrees north and 23 degrees south.

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Women are more prone than males to have their cardiac illness misdiagnosed.

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Cobain didn't think "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was particularly catchy.

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The pirates were chased out of The Bahamas by Captain Woodes Rogers.

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Forest covers more than half of Sweden.

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Outstanding Oscar speech


Even those firefly larvae that are submerged in water or the underground may glow.

Afrikaans, african, dutch

Even though it's frequently associated with RSA, Afrikaans is also spoken elsewhere.


Insomnia is not cured by sleeping medicines.


Along with your anxiousness, Chamomile might be beneficial.

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A Key To Managing ADHD Is To Seek Out Places Where You Thrive

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Rio de Janeiro is Brazil's second largest metropolis.

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The communicator used by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan is actually a lady's razor.

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Nepal is Portugal at 90 degrees.

Chinese porcelain

Chinese porcelain raw materials are inexpensive and widely available.

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Did you Know? Madagascar was a haven for pirates

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Did you Know? Blind people experience more sensory dreams.

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Did you Know? African Lungfish can survive for a year without water.

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Did you Know? In the movie Wakandans Have Their Own Language

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Nepal is the amazon of asia


Golf was anything but relaxing in Walt Disney's opinion.

 Jolly Roger

The Jolly Roger flag was not used by every pirate ship.