viking, oldnorse, oldenglishroots, scandinavia, pirates, raids, vikingwoman, sheildmaidens, femalewo

Viking women enjoyed equal rights.

viking, oldnorse, oldenglishroots, scandinavia, pirates, raids, vikingwoman, sheildmaidens, femalewo

In Viking law, women had the same rights as males. Despite the traditional expectation that women married who their parents picked for them, they had the right to divorce and remarry. It was also socially acceptable for Viking women to have children outside of marriage. While boys were given precedence over daughters in inheritance, a woman may inherit all of her parents' possessions if she had no brothers. 

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Incredible engineering marvels were required during construction.

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Many Gods Of Ancient Egypt

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The reason of death of Homi J Bhabha is still being discussed.



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In the summer, the Eiffel Tower grows six inches taller.