vitamin, green leafy, broccoli, kale, spinach

Vitamins C and E levels may be higher in the young plants

vitamin, green leafy, broccoli, kale, spinach

Good things can be found in modest packages. Vitamins C and E levels may be higher in the young plants of radishes, cabbages, kale, and broccoli than in the mature, normal plants.

Related Facts
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Black holes physically draw space around them.


Since 1868, Tokyo has served as Japan's capital.

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Did you Know? Blind people experience more sensory dreams.

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Sylvia Plath originally published 'The Bell Jar' under the pen name "Victoria Lucas."

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Indonesia boasts the most 'young' people in the world.

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Did you Know? Italy was under a dictatorship for 20 years


What Is the Distinction Between Caramel and Butterscotch?

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A London tomb is supposedly a time machine or teleportation chamber.

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Did you Know? There is a record of eating 29 cupcakes in just 30 seconds.

Times Square, New York, New Year

A newspaper hosted the inaugural Times Square New Year's Eve celebration.

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Did you Know? The Bloody Mary Wasn't Always Called a Bloody Mary

buddhist, emptiness, Marcel, Buddha, religious activities

Not every Buddhist lives the life of a monk.


The facial pits of rattlesnakes may detect heat.

Antarctic environment

The Antarctic environment depends on krill as a food supply.

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Scholars Aren’t Completely Sure What The Incas Used Machu Picchu For

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Asia’s oldest amphitheater “Ranghar, Sibsagar”

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Did you Know? Kolkata is home to oldest zoo in the country

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brasilia,  capital

Rio de Janeiro is not the capital city.

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Around 18 dynasties ruled over south India

Obesity Risk

Obesity Risk in Formula-Fed Babies

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Did you know.... Ashton Kutcher's Toes Are Webbed

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Milk will stay fresher if you add salt.

skin, exfoliate, dull skin, cells, rough skin

"Sunglasses provide protection from crow's feet.



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Netflix’s Employees Can Take As Many Days Off As They Want.