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Whoever it was, they left the job quickly.

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A number of discoveries indicate that the Sphinx was initially meant to be an even bigger achievement than what we see now. Large stone blocks, tool kits, and, believe it or not, lunches presumably abandoned midway through a workday were unearthed by American archaeologist Mark Lehner and Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass.

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Mosquitoes come in over 3,500 different varieties:

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Some individuals like watching other people's rage.

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Pliny the Elder wrote the first reference to yogurt.

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The Galata Bridge was nearly entirely the work of Leonardo da Vinci.

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse wasn't created by Walt Disney.

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Lord Howe Island stick insect was thought extinct until 2001!

 Matrix color-coded

Did you Know? The Matrix film is color-coded.

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Did you Know! The sun has layers.

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Norway's In the summer, the sun never sets.

nails, nail

The growth rate of toenails is around half that of fingernails.

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Where can one find Stonehenge?

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Harvard has a history of high achievers

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Lyndon B. Johnson drove a water-surfing automobile.



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Antidepressants Can Help — No matter what Your Temperament


Providing porcelain to the imperial family required government approval in ancient China.

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It’s illegal to let your chickens cross the road in Quitman, Georgia


Even though no one knows when yoghurt was discovered, the name "yoghurt" is unmistakably Turkish.

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And Clownfish Vanished After Finding Nemo


What Is the Difference Between Toffee and Butterscotch?

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"Lightening Can Create Glass "

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Museo Delle Anime del Purgatorio displays documents signed by haunted souls in purgatory.


Crystals are living things.


Device With Several Names