greek, philosophers, lunar, solar deities, athens, anaxagoras, lampsacus

Anaximenes Of Miletus (c.586-c.526 BCE)

greek, philosophers, lunar, solar deities, athens, anaxagoras, lampsacus

Anaximenes was the third Milesian amongst the Greek philosophers before Socrates. He was a student of Anaximander and was also a monist. Where Thales saw water and Anaximander the Apeiron, Anaximenes saw air, which he thought was the arche (beginning) of all things.

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Did you Know? An 11-year-old girl gave Pluto its name

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Almond flour is an excellent gluten-free substitute for wheat flour!

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On the first day of filming, Carrie Fisher smacked Oscar Isaac more than 40 times.

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Anxiety Can Cause Physical Symptoms


Some asteroids exhibit comet-like behaviours.

Alzheimer's disease.

Education might lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

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Did you Know? Once Japan and China banned the kite flying!

cold sleep, sleeping in cold, cryogenic, cryo sleep,

Fact! Sleeping in a cool environment might help you lose weight.

Pigeons, Mesopotamian, hypothesis, domesticated, Scientists

Pigeons were maybe the first domesticated bird.

white house, white house facts, white house theatre

Did you Know? The White House has a movie theatre.

snails, lazy, dream, insect, laziest, humans, sleep, eat

Did you know.... Snails may sleep for years without eating.

 Windows 10

You Can Install Windows 10 Using a USB Flash Drive.


Motivation is provided via vision boards.

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Dolores Umbridge Finally Went To Azkaban

Golf balls

Golf balls were once made from lobsters shells.

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The Two Least Profitable Films Both Take Place on Mars

nails, nail

The growth rate of toenails is around half that of fingernails.

maine, united states, america

Revolutionary War in the United States

t shirt, tshirt, tshirt water, tshirt making

Did you Know? It takes 700 gallons of water to make a cotton shirt.

witches, The Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter, witchcraft,  magic

Almost no 'witch' was ever burned at the stake.

fruits, mimosa pudica

Each fruit has a cluster of two to eight pods, each of which can be divided into two to five segments.

british museum, british museum london, sutton hoo british museum, hokusai british museum, british mu

The Museum once had a ‘Cabinet of Obscene Objects’

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Did you Know? India’s first ever train ran between Mumbai and Thane

ice hotel

There is an ice hotel.


This may seem perplexing but pay close attention... Quebec is another name for Quebec City.