mango, south india, portuguese, maanga, surya bai, king

The most beautiful fruit in India

mango, south india, portuguese, maanga, surya bai, king

Mango was referred to as Naghza Tarin Mewa Hindustan, the fairest fruit of Hindustan, by the eminent Persian poet Amir Khusrau in the thirteenth century A.D.

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Stuart Sutcliffe was the name of the fifth Beatle.


Color is essential.

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There are several lakes and rivers.

Alcohol misuse

Alcohol misuse is exacerbated by insomnia.

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Over 100 endangered creatures live in Indonesia.


fireflies Snails are a favourite food of carnivorous larvae.

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Did you Know? Chile’s Andes Mountains Has Some Of The World’s Largest And Still Active Volcanoes

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Cabbage White is the most frequent butterfly in the United States.

Young plants

Young plants have upright stems, but as they get older, they gradually start to creep or trail.

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Stage hypnosis is not appropriate for everyone.

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On average, a cow produces 6.3 gallons of milk each day

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When a piece of glass breaks, the cracks move at 3000mph.

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City of Prime Ministers


A typical automobile consumes around 22.5 kg of copper.

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Did you Know? The Bloody Mary Wasn't Always Called a Bloody Mary

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Spain is the home of the world’s second most widely-spoken language

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Harvard has 92 kilometers of bookshelves

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Did you Know? Joker was almost cancelled.

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Lack of exercise and obesity are the two major environmental variables for insulin resistance (and type 2 diabetes).

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Minerva McGonagal was an Animagus and a strong sorceress.

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Interesting Fact! Pizza Reduces The Risk Of Some Cancers.

Genghis Khan

Did you know that Genghis Khan loathed cats and feared dogs?


A manned spacecraft first travelled through the asteroid belt in 1972.