The salt-water crocodile grows to 6m or more and has the world's highest jaw pressure: 3,000 pounds per square inch.
"Albert is very amused by my obtaining the island of Hong Kong."
Hot Pockets has a mascot.
Fun Fact! Machu Picchu Was Never “Lost”
Your health may be more at risk if you are driving.
The average customer goes to Starbucks six times a month.
Fennel seeds can help prevent cancer.
"In the 17th century, glass windows were invented."
Did you Know? Cupcakes isn't a recent development.
Starbucks has its own record label.
Fairyflies: Do They Make Good Pets?
Did you Know? The fastest ride in Disneyland is no roller coaster.
Sweden is the largest Scandinavian country.
The world's strongest natural textile, according to legend, is silk.
It’s a legal requirement to own a burial plot before you die in Sarpourenx, France
Before Charlotte, Anne and Emily were able to locate a publisher.
Fake words do occasionally make their way into dictionaries.
The price of earthen pots is reasonable, and they are available everywhere.
Korean is difficult to learn for english speakers.
Women are less likely than men to seek advancement.
According to studies, beets have high concentrations of certain antioxidants.
Men and Women Dream Differently
Did you Know? Indian weddings are a colorful event.
According to one researcher, 200 yetis reside in northern Russia.
Talk About Control! The steering wheel of a Formula One car has 25 buttons.