Coca-Cola, Coca Cola, Coca Cola facts, Coca Cola fact, the great depression, coke facts, facts about

Did you Know? Coca-Cola comes in at least 16 distinct tastes.

Coca-Cola, Coca Cola, Coca Cola facts, Coca Cola fact, the great depression, coke facts, facts about

Not all of the tastes are accessible internationally, and some are no longer available at all! Some of the less well-known and less successful flavours include New Coke, Coca-Cola Orange, and Coca-Cola BlaK, a coffee-flavored variation. Coca-Cola BlaK had a brief existence, lasting just from 2006 to 2008, and was only available in seven countries. Coca-Cola, on the other hand, has stated that it intends to release another coffee-related product in the future.

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