taj mahal, taj mahal world war, taj mahal facts, taj mahal rare, taj mahal facts, facts about taj ma

Did you Know? It took 20 years and 20,000 workers to build Taj Mahal

taj mahal, taj mahal world war, taj mahal facts, taj mahal rare, taj mahal facts, facts about taj ma

The Taj Mahal is made of red sandstone and covered in large marble plates. The artisans who contributed to the creation of this world wonder came from a variety of countries and regions, including Central Asia, Iran, Syria, and Turkey. It took them 20 years to complete this historic project, which involved over 20,000 artisans.

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Bhutan is a Buddhist country with deeply held beliefs.

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We may thank a famous author's brother for conspiracy theorists' tinfoil hats.

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Soap production is used to cause fuel shortages and jeopardize the affordability of candles.

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Buddha wasn’t chubby

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Venus flytraps entice prey with their delicious nectar and vibrant colours.

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Microfiber cleans smooth surfaces of 99 percent of germs.

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Constellations Travel From East To West Like The Sun


Countless species, including fireflies, are bioluminescent,


The centipede's incorrect name

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Did you Know! Moldova's capital was destroyed in 1940

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Did you Know? Batman operates under a rigorous 'No Kill' policy.

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Someone paid $10,000 for invisible artwork

Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit can also be applied topically to the skin as a low-cost skincare trick.

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Chess is a mandatory subject in Armenian schools over the age of six.