netflix, mitch lowe, pornography, bill clinton, monica lewinsky, scandal, customer, chinese, employe

Netflix’s Executives Used To Make House Calls.

netflix, mitch lowe, pornography, bill clinton, monica lewinsky, scandal, customer, chinese, employe

During the late 90s, the company used to call their subscribers near the company’s location for surveys. They would also ask them to visit the company and observe how they work. When they visit, the company bought them coffee to gain valuable information about their usage.  


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Did you know that Genghis Khan loathed cats and feared dogs?

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South Indian menus have around 17 breakfast dishes

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The Nepetalactone Is Everything.

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Sea Lampreys are captured and sterilised as well.

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Fill your heart, not your mind.

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It is just as vital to clean crystals as it is to wear them.

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Do you know about the folktale of Botan Dōrō?

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Did you Know? Kleenex tissues were initially designed for use with gas masks.

Devil's Kettle

The Devil's Kettle is a huge hole that swallows half a river and no one knows where it leads.


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Extensions that clip on Better Curl Hold

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Casablanca's Sam Was a Drummer

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One of the oldest canine breeds still in existence is the Indian pariah dog.

Homi J Bhabha

Homi J Bhabha redirected India's nuclear development.

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If you have a face tattoo or have had facial surgery, you will need a new passport.

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Did you Know? Today Nail Paints are made of some weird stuff!