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Did you Know? Our bodies are quite similar.

human body facts, human facts, skeleton facts, bone facts,

The human body is mainly composed of four elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, which make for 96.2 percent of your total weight. (Calcium and phosphorus are the other major contributors.) It's incredible how those ingredients work together to help produce a body that accomplishes absolutely extraordinary things every day, from battling cancer to creating 20,000 thoughts.

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The probiotics industry is enormous.

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Did you Know? Lebanon is home to many great roman ruins

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Almond flour is an excellent gluten-free substitute for wheat flour!

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Who is the Creator Of The Universe?


Switzerland is aging, with a high life expectancy.

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Postage Stamp's Birthplace


Pompeii is Now recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO

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Harvard has a history of high achievers

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Did you Know? The Bloody Mary Wasn't Always Called a Bloody Mary


Switzerland's meat is among the most expensive in the world.

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Did you Know? Algeria is the home of the endangered Saharan cheetah

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Pliny the Elder wrote the first reference to yogurt.

code of conduct.

Each pirate ship had its own set of rules and code of conduct.

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Who is a spiritual person?


There is no more secure city in the world.

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The Balinese only have four names.

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Fun Fact! There is a huge Water reservior in Space


There are 7000 lakes in Switzerland.

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Several countries have reported seeing yetis.

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Women are less likely to hold positions of power in business.

The Kepler

The Kepler telescope has discovered over 1,200 potential worlds, including 68 Earth-sized planets.

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Many People With ADHD Struggle With Short-Term Memory


Even those firefly larvae that are submerged in water or the underground may glow.

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Did you Know? For EIC, Kolkata was the second most important city


Chihuahuas are descended from an old breed.