hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

The highest bar and swimming pool in the world

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

The Ritz-Carlton occupies the 118th level of Hong Kong's tallest building, the International Commerce Centre (ICC), and contains the world's highest outdoor bar and swimming pool.

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Why the Hydras are predatory?

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Did you Know? Mario was a villain in Donkey Kong Junior


Unemployment is low.


Blood Pressure Can Be Reduced by Grapefruit

lobster, crabs, clams, mussels

Prisoners who abhorred lobster used to be offered it.

taste buds

Everyone has a unique set of taste buds.

Genghis Khan

Did you know that Genghis Khan loathed cats and feared dogs?

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Netflix’s Employees Can Take As Many Days Off As They Want.


Probiotics are fungi and bacteria that keep us healthy.

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Not Everyone Who’s High Energy Has ADHD

Brahmaputra, assam, mahabaahu, muga, cruise

India’s longest bridge “Bhupen Hazarika Bridge”

braille, blind, shorthand, abbreviated, contracted version

You shouldn’t capitalize “braille.”

cats sleeping

Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping


Your gums should not be bloody when you brush or floss your teeth.

umbrella, umbrella facts, facts about umbrella

Did you Know? Umbrellas were once only used by women.

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Did you Know? The Film with the Most Oscar Nominations is...

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Insulin resistance effects the oral hypoglycemic medication you choose.

disney facts, disney fact, disney, walt disney, disneyland, disneyland facts, facts about disneyland

Did you Know? There are only four unscheduled park closures in the history of Disneyland

Inuit art

With a lengthy history, Inuit art is incredible!

chia seed

Chia seeds were originally utilised as a kind of payment.

sun facts, facts about sun, sun fact, sun size, space facts, space fact, facts about space

Did you Know? The sun is heating up and will kill all life on earth

taste buds

Some of your flavor preferences are inherited.


One of Buddha's incisors is kept in a temple in Kandy.

buddhist, emptiness, Marcel, Buddha, religious activities

Karma is a you-know-what.

vision board, visualization, theory of relativity, manifestation

Vision boards serve as mental rehearsals.