snails, lazy, dream, insect, laziest, humans, sleep, eat

Did you know.... Snails may sleep for years without eating.

snails, lazy, dream, insect, laziest, humans, sleep, eat

Snails, which are living every lazy person's dream, have finally made it to the list of the laziest of all. They can sleep for three to four years without needing to eat. And we humans do nothing except eat, sleep and repeat.

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Ham's aroma might make your dish "taste" saltier.

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There are 3 million lakes in Alaska.

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The Brontes all passed away tragically young.

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Why flamingos balance on one foot is a mystery.

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On average, women do more labour, but they are allotted 55% of all work.

Fennel seed

Fennel seeds help to reduce gas.



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Did you Know? It takes 700 gallons of water to make a cotton shirt.

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Yoga can aid in the treatment of insomnia.

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Fun Fact! Who was the Oldest Oscar Winner Ever?

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In Australia, it is estimated that insects make up almost 70% of the biodiversity (CSIRO, 2005).

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There is an equation that calculates how long a conspiracy can remain hidden.

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Earthern pots maintain the food's original flavour and nutritional value.

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The Dutch consume the most liquorice in the world

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Almonds are beneficial to your heart!

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Collagen Fillers include

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The Harissa people's homeland

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The Science Behind the Rather 'Feared' Eclipses, According to Vedas

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Did you Know? You can see how old your eggs are!

Netherland, home birth, birth, child, motherrlands, bicycle, country, ditch, cycling

The Netherlands has the biggest pub in Europe

Hong Kong

Hong Kong has the most buildings per capita in the world.

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The tallest island mountain on the planet.