Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

On average, women do more labour, but they are allotted 55% of all work.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Workplace software firm Hive examined anonymized data from over 3,000 women and men and discovered that not only do women complete more work on average, but they are assigned 55% of all labor, compared to 45% for males.

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Withanolides are found in Ashwagandha.

The Hobbit

Inspired by Birmingham The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings

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Beagles are prone to obesity


Allergens can also cause asthama.


Get Medical Assistance if You're Still Having Breathing Issues.

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Tiny flowers make up sunflowers.

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Yoda almost was gonna look like a monkey.

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Interesting fact! Lamborghinis Can Be Used For a Variety of Purposes

 Alzheimer's disease

Women are more likely than men to develop Alzheimer's disease.

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Crocodiles can gallop like a horse.

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Sculpture of Erotica

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Taiwan has been ruled by China, Japan and briefly Holland

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Getting a beagle pup

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Noah Webster studied 26 languages in order to write his dictionary.

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Tunisia, Arab country, Islam

The first Arab country to outlaw polygamy.

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Cobain didn't think "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was particularly catchy.

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The debate about Afrikaans continues.

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Where is the origin of Tandoori?

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Around 18 dynasties ruled over south India

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brasilia,  capital

Rio de Janeiro is not the capital city.

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Did you Know? Cupcakes, once called as '1234' or 'number cakes'.

Ronaldo  Museum

Ronaldo Has His Own Museum Dedicated to Him


Isn't this the same as niacin?