Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

On average, women do more labour, but they are allotted 55% of all work.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Workplace software firm Hive examined anonymized data from over 3,000 women and men and discovered that not only do women complete more work on average, but they are assigned 55% of all labor, compared to 45% for males.

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When you cook lobsters, they don't scream in pain.

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Almonds are beneficial to your heart!

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The root portion was utilized as a medication in the past to alleviate painful conditions

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Lord Howe Island stick insect was thought extinct until 2001!


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Messi and Ronaldo's final World Cup?

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Did you Know? There is a windless Kite festival too!

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Did you Know? Taj Mahal Changes Colour Three Times A Day