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Did you Know? Tarantula hawks have the most venomous insect bites.

animal facts, weird animal facts, amazing animal facts, interesting animal facts, fun facts about an

Don't be fooled by the name—not it's a spider or a bird. It's a wasp, not a bee. However, this insect produces one of the most excruciating bug bites. According to entomologist Justin Schmidt, who developed the "Schmidt sting pain index" to assess the intensity of bug bites, the tarantula hawk is one of only two insects to receive a 4 on a scale of 1 to 4.

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Scream was inspired by real-life events that occurred in Gainesville, Florida, in the early 1990s.



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Conspiracy theories are not more prevalent today than they were previously.

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A Panther is a Jaguar or a Leopard.


Redder is better, obviously

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Massive Kidney Grilles of BMW Aren't a New Thing.

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Every year, more than 14 billion pencils are produced worldwide.


The origin of all plants is algae.

Don’t Touch Me

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Even the Tongue can get Fat.

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Bay Psalm is the most expensive Book ever Sold

Times Square, New York

The confetti thrown at Times Square contains hidden messages.


Sometimes, heavy bleeding might be caused by stomach ulcers.

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Fun Fact! Joker was formerly the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations.