That's enough pencils to circle the globe 62 times, believe it or not.
Earthern pots maintain the food's original flavour and nutritional value.
Catnip Is Available in What Forms?
Have you heard the legends of Deer Woman?
There are around 12,000 rivers in Alaska.
Home births are still popular in the Netherlands
The Harissa people's homeland
The Meaning of "Ashwagandha"
More factors than just the aging process can lead to cataracts.
Did you Know? Wonder Woman was inspired by a Ménage a Trois
Dr. Wayne Coates rediscovered chia in the 1990s.
Bhutan values happiness above prosperity.
Sea lampreys are an excellent example of an invasive species.
After surviving the Reichenbach Falls, Holmes refused to perish beside his creator.
Silent Oscar winner
Cricket is still deadly.
In Turkey, a hunter-gatherer temple can be discovered.
The marine lamprey is thought to have originated in the Atlantic rather than the Great Lakes.
Water was used for mirrors in ancient times.
fireflies Snails are a favourite food of carnivorous larvae.
A fascinating 'crater' lake can be found here.
Better chances of winning the lottery than getting into Harvard
Did you Know? Lex Luthor does not believe that Clark Kent is a superman.
Did you know that Genghis Khan killed Behtar, his half-brother?
In our galaxy, there might be 500 million planets capable of hosting life.
Did you Know? There is a difference in your age.