pencil, Hemingway, lead, writing, ink, black, typed

Every year, more than 14 billion pencils are produced worldwide.

pencil, Hemingway, lead, writing, ink, black, typed

That's enough pencils to circle the globe 62 times, believe it or not.

Related Facts
korean, language, English, hangul, verb, Chinese

In honour of the language, there is a national holiday.

Gundam Technology

Gundam Technology is founded on actual science.

ladakh, fakeglaciers, glacier, chewing, norphel, civilengineer, brook

Ladakh is the glacier man's homeland.

safteycoffins, buriedalive, aliceblunden, declareddead, mistake, coffins

Being buried alive accidentally occurred so often that people invented “safety coffins.”

batman, flash, marvel, nemesis, bruce wayne

Flash is a buddy of Batman, yet he does not obey his 'rule.' 

anti-biotics, health, diseases

Antibiotic compounds are produced by probiotics.

caviar, lobster, cilento mountain oregano, mozzarella cheese, and grains of pink Australian sea salt

It is impolite to leave a soiled dish in Japan

Persian rugs, hand-knotted, rugs, caliber

Persian rugs are Exceptionally  Built

Red hair

Red hair is thicker than hair of other colours.

greek, greekmythology, hydra, heracles, lernaean, monster, lerna, zeus, humankind, watersnake, hydra

Meaning: Hydra In Greek Mythology

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Did you Know? Genghis Khan is Mongolia’s founding father

vitamin, green leafy, broccoli, kale, spinach

The edible leafy tips of beetroots are bursting with vitamin K

folklore, horsemen. german, grimm, celtic, dullahan, american, headless deamon

Do you know about the cursed The Hands Resist Him Painting?

candle, candles, romans, wax

Your candle won't last longer if you freeze it.

expensive coffee

Four of the top five most expensive coffee cities are Swiss.

queen alamelamma, queen alamelamma of vijayanagara, queen alamelamma statue, queen alamelamma of vij

Did you know.... Queen Alamelamma's 400-year-old curse

almonds, milk, plant milk

Almonds have the greatest protein content of any nut!

pcos, pcos symptoms, pcos meaning, pcos treatment, pcos diet, metformin for pcos, how to cure pcos p

Do all PCOS patients have hirsutism?

chia seed

They contain a tonne of antioxidants.

Chinese, porcelain, Han Dynasty, imperial dynasty, Qing Dynasty

Porcelain was invented in China.

pencil, Hemingway, lead, writing, ink, black, typed

"Pencils were originally only made to be round. "


What Iguanas Are Known For


You can get the best skin ever with kiwis.

red lips, lipstick, makeup

During WWII, wearing lipstick became a symbol of patriotism.

Birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

The World's Largest Pre-Raphaelite Painting Collection