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We have chocolate thanks to the Spanish

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A fun fact about Spain is that thanks to the colonies that the Spaniards established in the American continent and their relations with North Africa, today we can all enjoy oranges, avocados, cacao, potatoes, or sugar. The Europeans did not know any of these things until the fifteenth century.

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No such thing as a Teacup Chihuahua exists.

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Because it has several vital qualities, including aphrodisiac, antibacterial, antivenom, antifertility, anticonvulsant, and many more.

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Switzerland's meat is among the most expensive in the world.

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If a woman is not planning for pregnancy, then there is no concern and needs no lifestyle modification?

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Venus flytraps do not eat insect pollinators.

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positive flower, a sunflower

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The Sistine Chapel of Prehistory is in Spain




The Quebec Winter Carnival Celebration, sometimes known as "Carnaval," is the world's largest winter festival.

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Greeks once resided there.


Afrikaans was a protected language throughout the Apartheid era.

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Did you Know? Botox removes a person's ability to feel emotions.

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Quartz Crystal activation requires programming.


Chamomile tea can aid sleep.

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Did you Know? Thor: Ragnarok has much different title in Japan.

 Egyptian documents

According to Egyptian documents, copper possesses antimicrobial qualities.