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Fun Fact! Lara's decorating skills will melt your face off.

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Do you believe the Ark of the Covenant is hidden away in a government warehouse? Wrong. It's in Lara Croft's foyer, to be precise. Hey, it's a great way to evict lingering partygoers.

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Malta was Previously ruled by the Knights of St. John


The probiotics industry is enormous.

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Did you Know? Brazil is the biggest producer of coffee.

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Another factor raising cardiovascular risk is coagulation abnormalities in insulin resistance.

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Vision Boards Can Help You Relax

Longest legs

The female with Longest legs

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The most beautiful fruit in India

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Soup days are observed all around the world.

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Sandro Botticelli's The Birth of Venus

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There was a pirate King in Sweden!

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Cats Are Sacred.. did you know that?

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Fever (antipyretic) and pain relief (analgesic)

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Shintoism has no one founder.

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Pirates wore eye patches.

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Did you Know? An 11-year-old girl gave Pluto its name


Silk has a built-in ability to control temperature.


$8.8 billion in sales are anticipated for Halloween.

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Do all PCOS patients have hirsutism?

Times Square, New York, New Year

Many Brazilians spend New Year's Eve at the beach.


In Tokyo, English is not widely spoken.

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You could be well on your way to a healthier and longer life.


Indonesia consists approximately 17,504 islands.


Alternatives to Plastic Toothbrushes Are Better for the Environment and Your Health

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The 17th century saw the invention of glass windows.