asthma, steroids, immune system

Following the use of a steroid inhaler, rinse your mouth.

asthma, steroids, immune system

While inhaled steroids are less likely to cause side effects than oral steroids, they nevertheless primarily function by reducing immunological activity. That aids in reducing lung inflammation and preventing asthma, but it can also significantly impair the immune system in the mouth, making thrush more likely. After each use, remember to rinse your mouth out. Since these prescriptions are frequently used twice daily, keep them next to your toothbrush because brushing is an effective way to eliminate the extra medication from your mouth and maintain a healthy immune system.

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Pompeii is Now recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO

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The Original ‘Toothbrush’ Was a Stick


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A British royal is responsible for modern newspaper columns.


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The first Arab country to outlaw polygamy.

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A standard pencil can write 45,000 words.

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Passports Around the World

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Did you Know? The Taj Mahal was camouflaged as a bamboo stockpile during WWII.

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